I recently
wrote about Jojo, a bunny rescued by
Heartland Rabbit Rescue. He was the victim of neglect (and/or abuse) and had suffered severe urine scald which caused the hair on his stomach, back legs, 'nethers' and his tail to fall out...as well as causing lesions on his skin. In just two weeks he recovered wonderfully, as you can see, and he is well on his way to being fully haired again.
Jojo, after and before. |
He is a rather exuberant bunny and it is a joy to see him playing and running. He is developing his jumping skills and has become almost impossible to contain in any enclosure without a fairly sturdy top on it. He easily sails over the 30 inch wire we use for outdoor playpens and he makes it look effortless. He's a real hoot.
By the way, I used the term "hair" deliberately...many us human animals do not realize that "fur" and "hair" are interchangeable
terms that refer to exactly the same thing. So, Jojo happily has an increasing amount of fur or hair on his lower body and I have a decreasing amount of fur or hair on top of my head. Who says there's no balance in the universe?
Please live the animal friendly, planet friendly and health friendly way...as an ethical
vegan. Thank you.
This is so wonderful! I can just imagine how great Jojo feels now that he's in a safe, loving place.
Would it be tacky to suggest that the person who allowed this to happen to Jojo have all their hair fall out?
He is a precious bun man.
Jojo looks grand :).
Thank you for commenting Molly, Christina and DEM.
Molly: I think he feels pretty good now...he is certainly full of energy and curiosity.
Christina: Tacky...nope...I have much more dire thoughts about what ought to happen to the perpetrator. Jojo is a pure joyous treat.
DEM: Thanks on behalf of Jojo DEM, he seems to feel even better than he looks. :-)
P.S. do you use the word 'hair' deliberately because Jojo's a hare? Are bunnies hares, actually??
Thanks for the PS DEM. Nope, Jojo is a rabbit...uh, there are a number of differences between rabbits and hares, the one that strikes me as significant is that hares are precocial and rabbits are altricial. Hares are born, like horses and cows, pretty much ready to go...they have hair, their eyes are open, they can very quickly walk...etc. Rabbits are born hairless (pretty much), eyes shut, can't walk...etc. And...hares have not been fooled with by humans...no "domestic" hares...the guys we rescue and provide homes for are all rabbits.
I used the word hair because many human animals try to distance themselves from the other animals by thinking that only the other animals have fur...and human animals have hair. Fur, hair...just different names for the same thing. Bald human men have lost the fur on top of their head. :-)
Glad to see Jojo is doing so well ... and you are helping keep things in balance.
It's got to be love and good care that's made Jojo's healthy state shine through so rapidly! Wonderful to see this improvement! Yippee! ;)
Thank you for commenting Bea. I'll pass on the Yippee to Jojo. :-)
Glad to hear that his fur pants are growing back! It always pains me to see the effects of neglect and abuse on those who have no voice. My favorite quote is : "We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form." ~William Ralph Inge, Outspoken Essays, 1922
It pretty much sums up my opinion, whereas the humans who take the time to care for and heal the broken bodies and spirits of those we've destroyed-those people are our heroes and inspirations. Thank you for sharing his success story Vegan Elder (and in addition I should probably say that I wish that quote weren't my favorite, but it seems that for as long as animal testing and the meat industry still exist, our fellow beings will not be able to live the natural, satisfying lives they were made to live)
Thank you for commenting Anonymous. Great quote with sad content. Jojo thanks you for reading. :-)
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